Goodness Education

Goodness Client Information Policy

For Schools, Districts, Local Education Agencies, and Educational Institutions

At Goodness Group, Inc. (“Goodness,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) We carefully nurture our relationship with our clients and appreciate their trust as we work together to foster emotional development for everyone within schools.

This Client Information Policy pertains to personal information provided to Goodness as a service provider by schools, districts, local education agencies, or other educational institutions utilizing its technology platform, services, and products under a written agreement (“Clients”), or collected by Goodness as directed by Clients. Goodness’s handling of personal information in its capacity as a service provider is governed by written agreements with Clients and relevant laws.

Please note that this Client Information Policy does not cover personal information collected when individuals access or interact with Goodness’ website, mobile app, app web or communicate with Goodness via email, phone, or mail. For details regarding Goodness’ practices concerning such information, please refer to Goodness’  Website/App Privacy Policy.

No Marketing, Sale, or Rental of Students’ Personal Information; No Advertising to Students

Goodness refrains from marketing, selling, or renting any student’s personal information, and it does not participate in, inform, influence, or enable advertising to students. Students’ information is solely used for purposes authorized by Clients and in accordance with applicable law.

Compliance with U.S. Student Privacy Laws

Goodness is dedicated to adhering to relevant U.S. federal and state laws concerning student privacy, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Pupil Privacy Protection Amendment (PPRA), and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Clients bear the responsibility of obtaining consent or providing notification in situations requiring parental or guardian consent or notification. Goodness will only collect information directly from students as requested and instructed by the Client and solely for the purpose of delivering services to the Client.

Information Collection

By utilizing Goodness’ technology platform, products, and services, Clients and their users authorize us to collect, use, and share information as outlined in their written agreements with Goodness and as permitted by applicable law. Goodness gathers personal information solely to the extent necessary to provide its services and as permitted by Clients and applicable laws.

The specific information collected by Goodness will vary based on the services provided to a Client, the relevant written agreement, and applicable law. Goodness may collect:

Student Information: When Clients, their teachers, staff members, students, parents, guardians, and other authorized users utilize Goodness’ technology platform, products, and services, they may share information such as student rosters, academic reports, and survey responses containing personal information like names, grades, and contact details. Goodness may conduct student surveys at a Client’s request, and students may share personal information in their responses. Additionally, Clients may request Goodness to create designated user accounts for students, requiring personal information like names and email addresses. Goodness only collects personal information directly from students as instructed by Clients, who are responsible for obtaining any necessary consents and providing required disclosures to parents and guardians. Clients should inform their account representative or contact Goodness at if they suspect unauthorized submission of personal information for a child under 18.

Client User Information: Goodness enables a Client’s educators, staff, and authorized users to access its technology platform, products, and services using designated user accounts. Goodness may gather and utilize the personal information of these individuals, including their names and email addresses, to establish and distinguish such user accounts. Additionally, a Client may task Goodness with conducting surveys targeting teachers and staff on its behalf, with participants sharing personal information in their responses.

Educators and staff members who directly contact Goodness regarding its services, products, or other assistance may disclose personal details about themselves. They may also provide such information, such as their names and email addresses, when signing up for professional development webinars or other events hosted by Goodness. Goodness’ Website/App Privacy Policy outlines its procedures for managing personal information of individuals accessing or interacting with its company website, or communicating via email, phone, or mail.

Parent, Guardian, and Other Stakeholder Information: When utilizing Goodness’ services, a Client, along with its educators, staff, students, and authorized users, may disclose personal information regarding a parent or guardian, such as their contact details. Clients may also enlist Goodness to conduct surveys targeting families, with parents and guardians offering personal information in their responses. Occasionally, Clients commission Goodness to undertake community surveys, inviting various stakeholders to provide feedback, potentially containing personal details.

Parents, guardians, and other individuals reaching out directly to Goodness for service inquiries or support may disclose personal information, including their name and email address. Furthermore, they may provide such details when registering for informational webinars or other hosted events by Goodness. Goodness’ Website/App Privacy Policy outlines its approach to managing personal information of individuals accessing or engaging with its company website or communicating via email, phone, or mail.

Automatically Generated Information: Goodness, like similar service providers, may gather automatically generated information when users interact with its technology platform, products, services, website, and email communications. This may include IP addresses, browser types, and engagement data collected via cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies. Goodness does not utilize or sell this automatically generated information for marketing or advertising to students. It does not permit third parties to employ automated technologies, including cookies, for marketing or advertising to students.

Use of Information

By engaging with Goodness’ technology platform, products, and services, Clients and their users grant Goodness authorization to gather, utilize, and distribute information in accordance with the terms outlined in their written agreements with Goodness and as permitted by applicable laws. Goodness employs personal information solely to the extent necessary to deliver its services and as permitted by Clients and relevant legislation.

The specific utilization of information by Goodness depends on the services rendered to a Client, the pertinent contractual agreement, and applicable legal provisions. Goodness may employ personal information for the following purposes:

  1. Conducting surveys and delivering other services to Clients. Goodness may utilize personal information to configure surveys accurately and administer them efficiently. For instance, upon a Client’s request, it may utilize email addresses and physical mailing addresses to disseminate surveys and ensure maximum participation in activities like school climate surveys. Goodness may also leverage personal information to facilitate a Client’s use of the Goodness platform to support student objectives and gauge progress towards those goals.
  2. Providing reports and insights to Clients. Goodness may utilize personal information to furnish Clients with reports and insights aimed at enhancing their students’ educational experiences. Goodness collaborates with Clients to grant access to such reports to the intended audience of the Client only.
  3. Research and development. Goodness may utilize personal information for educational research and development endeavors in accordance with its contractual obligations and applicable laws. For example, Goodness might test tools designed to enhance reporting, demonstrate the efficacy of its services, conduct validity and benchmarking studies, develop new product features, and implement other usability enhancements. Goodness may also anonymize and aggregate personal information for additional purposes with Clients’ consent or as permitted by law.
  4. Providing customer support for Clients. Goodness may receive personal information from individuals reaching out to its customer support. This information aids Goodness in delivering efficient and effective support services.
  5. Communicating with Clients as part of the services. Goodness may employ personal information to engage with Clients, teachers, staff members, and other authorized users concerning the services provided. For instance, the Goodness platform may dispatch reminders to teachers or notify them of submitted student responses. Goodness may also share product recommendations with Clients, notify them about new offerings, services, and features, provide updates, and announce events and programs.

Enhancing Clients’ experience through customizations and usability improvements. Goodness may leverage automatically generated information to enrich users’ experiences by monitoring and enhancing the efficacy of its platform. Additionally, Goodness may utilize this information to gauge user engagement with the platform and diagnose and resolve technological issues.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

Goodness shares personal information solely within the boundaries permitted by written agreements with Clients or with their explicit consent, this Client Information Policy, and applicable regulations, as delineated below:

  1. Upon Client request: Goodness may disclose information, including personal data, to third parties as per a Client’s written directive and authorization. For instance, a school may instruct Goodness to reveal personal information about a student to a parent or legal guardian.

  2. With service providers: Goodness may divulge information to third-party entities as necessary to facilitate and support the provision of its services. For instance, if a Client contract mandates Goodness to dispatch paper surveys to students’ families, Goodness will furnish the students’ addresses to a delivery service such as FedEx or the United States Postal Service for the surveys’ delivery. In such scenarios, Goodness only engages with third-party providers that uphold data privacy and security standards, and retention policies consistent with or surpassing the tenets of this Client Information Policy.

  3. In compliance with legal obligations or to ensure safety: Goodness may be compelled to disclose or grant access to personal information to law enforcement agencies, governmental authorities, and other entities to comply with law enforcement requests and legal proceedings. It may also take such actions to safeguard the rights, property, or safety of users, Goodness, or others.

  4. During business transitions: In the event of a business transition such as a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or part of its assets to another entity, or any other corporate restructuring, including but not limited to due diligence processes, personal information held by Goodness may be disclosed or transferred to the acquiring entity and other pertinent parties as part of the transition process in adherence to applicable laws and contractual agreements with Clients. Any successor entity would be obligated to adhere to applicable laws in handling personal information and to maintain data privacy, security, and retention policies consistent with or surpassing the standards outlined in this Client Information Policy.

Access to Student or Education Records

Parents or guardians have the right to reach out to their school or district regarding inquiries and requests concerning their child’s personal information. This includes requests to access their child’s personal data, request its deletion, or opt-out of certain data collection or usage practices. In the event that a parent or legal guardian contacts Goodness with a request or inquiry regarding their child’s personal information, Goodness will promptly inform the Client of the request, unless a written agreement with the Client or prevailing legislation stipulates otherwise.

Data Security Measures

Goodness upholds the confidentiality of personal information received from Clients. We deploy a range of administrative, technical, and physical security protocols aimed at safeguarding the personal data stored on our servers, all of which are situated in the United States. Our security measures encompass physical access controls to our facilities and files, data encryption, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) cryptography, two-factor authentication, and robust firewalls to deter unauthorized access. Our employees with access to personal data are bound by stringent guidelines to ensure its protection. It’s important to note that despite our safeguards, neither the Internet nor any data storage system can be guaranteed to be completely impervious to breaches. In the event of a security incident, we promptly notify Clients and undertake mitigation measures as stipulated in our contractual agreements and as required by law. Unless expressly directed otherwise by a written agreement or a Client’s written request, Goodness retains Client information for the duration of their engagement with us and for as long as necessary to fulfill our service obligations. Additionally, we may retain information to fulfill tax, accounting, and financial reporting obligations, or if mandated by legal or contractual obligations.

Written Agreements

In cases where this Client Information Policy contradicts a Client’s written agreement with Goodness regarding data privacy and security practices, the written agreement takes precedence.

Policy Updates

Goodness reserves the right to update this Client Information Policy to align with emerging legal standards or changes in our data handling practices. In the event of substantial revisions to this policy, our existing clients will receive email notifications and will be asked to acknowledge these changes. Any modifications to this policy will be published on this webpage, and the updated version will take effect immediately upon posting (or as specified at the time of publication). The effective date of each iteration of this Client Information Policy will be clearly indicated.

Questions and Contact Information

Clients may direct questions about this Client Information Policy to or their account representative.

Goodness’s contact information is as follows:

Goodness Group, Inc
1160 Harbor Ct Hollywood FL 33019

Effective Date: May 07, 2024
Last Updated Date: May 07, 2024